
The PTA is a wonderful opportunity for parents to be involved with their children’s school experience, and membership only costs $10 per family per year. There is no commitment, and the membership fee helps support all of the wonderful programs the PTA sponsors at all of our schools.

And your membership in the PTA doesn’t just help fund some of our many programs, it also entitles you to benefits at national merchants!

Two ways to join as a member

If you choose to pay by cash or check, payment can be sent to your child’s teacher along with a completed paper membership form. Please make checks payable to: Horsemen PTA.

Paper membership forms are sent home in the summer mailing from your school (enclosed in the PTA packet of information).

If you choose to pay online, please click the “Support the PTA” button on this website and choose your membership level to get started. The “Support the PTA” button is found at the top of the home page as well as on every other page, either to the right of or underneath the post you’re reading (depending on if you are visiting us on a computer or a mobile phone).

You will receive an email with your membership “e-card” when your membership has been processed, regardless of whether you joined via paper form and cash/check or via the online store.

Please remember to join each school year.

We thank you for your support!

Please contact Membership Co-Chairs Andrea Williamson and Dana Tavano at with any questions.