2020-21 Horsemen PTA Mini-grant Winners

Sleepy Hollow Middle School

Guidance Counselor Mario Coronado  – iPad to be used to enhance individual and group meetings, Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) sessions, and Social Emotional Learning (SEL) initiatives. All SHMS students will have access to this resource.

Washington Irving School

Art Teacher Sue Barrett – Oil pastels for a fifth grade legacy project, a rainbow flower mural. Each student will create their own individual flower for the mural. For all fifth grade students.

Third Grade Teachers Christine Calvert and Robin Suarez VocabularySpellingCity, Vocabulary A-Z, and Headsprout teaching tools to help with reading instruction across at-home and in-school environments and diverse learning needs and styles. To benefit 23 students in the third grade integrated classroom.

ENL Teacher Beth Girolamo – Computer mice to help her 20 students complete on-screen vocabulary assignments more easily.

Challenge Teacher Maureen Massaro – Materials for hands-on STEM activity for each “remote” WI student (about 221 students) and their families to enforce a sense of community. Third graders will build terrariums to learn about interdependent relationships in ecosystems; fourth graders will make rubber band-powered boats to learn about energy transfer; and fifth graders will work with LEGO Chain Reactions to study engineering design and problem solving.

Washington Irving Greenhouse Program – Heating mats and bio-domes to replace the existing seed starting cylinders. These supplies will improve conditions for germination and lead to higher success rates for student planting. Will benefit all fifth grade students. (re-application from 2019-20)

Reading Specialist Kaycee Vonessen – Funds to expand a successful, school-wide WEE Deliver program to include digital elements and more robust in-school operations. To include a digital directory; a bigger, more authentic mailbox; containers to sort mail; delivery materials; and custom stamps.

Special Education Teacher Kathleen Mannion – “Cohort C” indoor recess creativity boxes. For 24 special class students across grades 3, 4 and 5.

Physical Education Teacher Lara Vivolo Trainer volleyballs and cart to improve school volleyball unit. For all WI students.

W. L. Morse School

First Grade Teacher Christine Groven – Device to show her handwriting during instruction to her “remote” class.

Music Teacher Jeffrey Mizen – Eighteen keyboards, stands, and the appropriate number of headphone jack splitters and extension cords to enable “Music and the Brain” curriculum for all first- and second-grade students starting school year 2021-22.

First Grade Teacher Jenne Mazzarella and ENL Teacher Benita Afonso – Funds to provide individual indoor recess materials to all Morse “hybrid” classrooms as needed.

John Paulding School

Kindergarten Teaching Assistant Keira Astacio-Rojas Individual indoor recess bags for all “hybrid” Kindergarten students. 

Social Worker Amarilda Camaj Second Step kindergarten and first grade classroom kits to provide SEL curriculum resources.

Universal Pre-K Teacher Dana Miller – One-year Starfall subscription for all John Paulding students (pre-k and kindergarten) to complement instruction.