
June 15, 2017 PTA Minutes


Jacki Geoghegan

Angel Rafter

Paul Pirozzi

Dancy Balestrieri

Thomas Lipping

Leah McVey

Christina Grillo

Pamela Louis

Phyllis Arduino

Nitasha Kumar

Donna Gates

Amada Reimundez

Mitch Sylves-Berry

Jen Povman

Andrea Gottschall


-Welcome/TASH update

Our meeting was called to order at 8:37 A.M. by Angel. Christina Grillo gave a summary of the PTA’s 1st TASH representation last Saturday at Patriot Park. A table was manned with flyer hand-outs and crafts for children. Foot traffic was light, perhaps due to spring sports practices. PTA agreed to try and keep a presence at TASH this fall. Jen Povman agreed to help man our table. Christina said she will sign us up again for a table in September. The board suggested selling spirit-wear at these events. Christina also agreed to send an email reminder in August to the board to help represent at our table in September.

-Rivertown Parents Update

Mitch Sylves-Berry reminded Christina and all board members that all registered PTA members have access to the email distribution list of Rivertown Parents. Mitch noted the following upcoming Rivertown events: Tinker night, kid’s money management workshop, a college transition seminar, and a mental health presentation that will be hosted by Tarrytown/Sleepy Hollow.

-PTA Branding

The board agreed on focusing their efforts on branding, getting more recognition in the community for our PTA. Some ideas included posting pictures on our horsemen website, utilizing Jean O’Brien’s email blasts more frequently, creating a position on the board for nursery school representative. The rep could attend nursery school events and inform new parents how PTA works. Members of the board also suggested that chairpersons of past events post various tips and protocol procedures of said events on our website as guidelines for new chairpersons in future years. Phyllis Arduino has agreed to attend and represent PTA at certain events this summer, for example, Shakespeare in the Park. If 3rd Friday should return, the board agreed to get a table at this event.

-School Updates

JP-Nitasha Kumar said they had their last principal meeting. She mentioned that PTA wants to be a part of the prek/k registration next calendar year at JP. Fun day is all set for June 21st. Registration for kindergarten was moved up to January and February (earlier than last year).

Morse- Dancy Balestrieri mentioned that field day was last Friday June 9th, and all leftover food was donated to the Life Center in Sleepy Hollow, with thanks to Christina for coordinating a wonderful day! Dancy spoke with Principal Holland and they agreed he would address bullying and specifically social media bullying at Morse. Dancy mentioned to Mr. Holland the idea of having a Morse PTA representative present at any principal/parent meetings if the parent wished. The PTA’s position regarding this issue is to suggest to any affected parties the appropriate chain of command to follow with instances of concern. Parents should always advocate for the child by keeping the lines of communications open with teachers first, and if necessary, escalate up the chain of command at the appropriate school and ultimately with the district superintendent. Jen Povman and other board members suggested a statement be included at back to school night regarding all bullying.

WI- Field day will be tomorrow June 15th and they are hoping for more volunteers to help out at the event.

MS- The middle school transition committee met yesterday to discuss new ideas to help children make the transition from WI to MS more smoothly. The committee hopes to meet with the new MS principal in July. Pam suggested putting some bullet points on the horsemen PTA website to help parents and kids with their transition.

-PTA Board Position Planning

Jacki Geoghegan distributed a printout of the latest PTA board positions for next calendar year. She advised the board that she received some email responses for possible volunteers for next year. She suggested to the appropriate board members to follow up with these individuals.


The board agreed that the wrapping paper fundraiser will continue next year, the board needs to select the best vendor for this event.

Pam noted that we still could use some more Halloween costumes for this October. She suggested mentioning this costume drive at our TASH table in September.

Pam and a few others suggested forming a committee to bring together all of our community fundraisers for better planning and cooperation; a calendar meeting of sorts that would reduce redundancy and hopefully eliminate the feeling of fundraising fatigue in our community.

In conclusion, Jacki and Angel thanked all board members for their tireless efforts during their tenure as co-presidents. Of special note, Paul Pirozzi, Kelley Anniccherico, Thomas Lipping and Katie Scully, who will be retiring from their positions this year. Donna Gates led the board in thanking Jacki and Angel for all of their hard work as co-presidents, and presented them with gift cards and flowers as a token of the board’s appreciation.

Our meeting adjourned at 9:55 AM